Monday, January 16, 2012

Advocare 24 Day Challenge: Day 1

So I started the Advocare 24 day challenge today. It is a weight loose plan/ diet/system ( whatever word you wanna use, it's really all the same America) that starts with a 10 day cleanse. It begins with you taking a fiber drink mix mixed with water, I mixed mine with this stuff that comes with it called Spark, that you are supposed to substitute in for coffee ( for mental alertness), I mixed it because I had read about the fiber drinks weird consistency but that if you mixed it with the mandarin orange spark it wasn't too bad, and it wasn't if I didn't think too much about the pulpy consistency in my mouth that wasn't orange juice! Right after you do the fiber drink you are supposed to drink down two 8 oz. glasses of water... well I was in a rush because I woke up at 9:30 and had to be at church for 10 and so I was only able to do 1 8 oz glass of water instead because with the fruit( breakfast) and the fiber drink I was full  up to my throat ( or so I felt). I was ready for something else after church though and had some oatmeal, fruit and lots of water... my husband said you know your drinking enough water when you are inconvenienced by how much you gotta pee... well no kidding b/c I had to pee all day, which is good I guess means I'm hydrated and that I will prolly loose some water weight ( I still don't get out drinking tons of water helps you loose water weight not gain it... but I'll leave the understanding that to the nutritionists and other pro.'s out there). I had a salad with chicken on top for lunch and did some grocery shopping for foods to benefit me during the cleanse. When I got home it was time for another snack ( you eat every 3 hours or so) some fruit and plain rice cakes with almond butter on top( this was a favorite today, even though I'm not sure I like the almond butter flavor alone, or the plain rice cakes alone..strange) For dinner I had baked salmon with seasoning, broccoli and cauliflower and some brown rice, and took four omegaplex with it. Right before dinner while I was cooking I had another water with spark mixed in ( you can have 1-3 a day), the hubs and I realized that for a few hours before that and especially right then when I was talking I couldn't think of words or what I was saying was somewhat mixed up and I was struggling to concentrate on what I was saying, I don't know if this was related or not, but maybe I should have had a spark between breakfast and dinner to help my brain out :).  After dinner, right before bed I had to take these horse pills called herbal cleanse and I was supposed to eat another fruit after dinner but decided on my fav. snack of rice cakes and almond butter instead. Sadly the fruit and veggies I ate today were the most I have eaten in awhile, but I don't think I had my ungodly 8 servings for the day... all progress begins with a single step! First day is done, can't wait to see how I do overall! If you have any questions about my experience on Advocare I'd be happy to answer them, and I hope to document my journey of the 24 day challenge, so that others can see what it's like!

1 comment:

  1. I can understand why it's called a challenge but it sounds like you ate some good food. Try blueberries or peaches - the frozen kind, if they fit the plan. Be sure to get the unsweetened. Rice cakes, huh.That's the second mention today of those as a diet snack. A lady at the vet's office said she replaced her pugs' snacks with rice cakes and they had lost weight. Keep at it. Tho the cleanse is no fun, it's only 10 days. You can do that.
